Yoga Teacher Training Class - Week 1 Day - Yoga class #3 & 4

Class #3 - 1/9/24 - 6.:15 @ Shefa

Getting early for a class was not easy.

I am glad that I was able to make it to the class on time and enjoy the class.

As I was not fully awake yet, I had a hard time following the class.

I just want to survive the class.

Class #4 - 1/10/24 - 6:15 @ Shefa

It is another packed class today! It is packed everywhere with Dan. Luckily I got there a little earlier than yesterday so I was able to find a spot. It is really stressful to see people coming in and not able to find a spot. 

This is my 5th class with Dan and I think I found what makes his class special.

In Dan's class, there are 4 sections - warm-up, peak, cool-down, and stretching

In Other's class, there mostly are 3 sections - warm-up, peak, and cool-down (which is the stretching). 

Hip Opener is usually a stretch toward the end in other classes, it is the warm-up in Dan's class. 

Sun Salutation is usually a warm-up in other classes, it is a cool-down in Dan's class.

Doing a Sun Salutation as a cool-down provides a smooth transition from the peak to stretching at the end. 

Need more observation of his class and other instructors' classs to see if my oberservation is legit.


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