Yoga Teacher Training - Week 2

 Class #5 (1/12/2024) - non heated

Hip opener (Happy babies)

ABS (Building the energy)

Sun Salutation A

Warrior 2 (Flow)

Chair + Twist + Warrior 3 (Peak)

Side plank + twist (cool down)

Cool Down (pigeon + side hips)

Class #6 (1/13/2024) - non heated

Saturday class in Power Yoga East, Dan will demo for the whole class.

When Dan is demoing for the whole class, he is intuitive in making moves that feel good and innovative. (e.g. eagle arms forward fold).

Compared to the class at Shef where there is no room for him to demo, he is in tune with the students and gives instructions for poses that are commonly known so it is easier for students to perform the poses.


When discussing the sequencing of poses, Dan mentioned that they all come intuitively. I believe these classes show what he means intuitively. I believe my job as a yoga teacher in a classroom setting, the priority is to know some standard sequence (e.g. Sun Salutation A, B, C, etc.) and practice how to deliver instructions. 

Sentences like -

Step your foot down in between your hands,

Step back

Your right arm goes over the body and your left arm goes under the thigh to create a blind.


Be comfortable with these sentences will help me deliver my message intuitively.

Teacher Training -

supta utthita hasta padangusthasana (reclined Big Toe Pose)

utthita utthita hasta padangusthasana (Standing Big Toe Pose)

Warrior 1, 2, 3 Story - 

Come up from the group, slay the head, present the head.

Warm up/Cool donwn - 

Quad Stretch 

Hamstring Stretch


Sun Salutation B - 

  • Tadasna
  • Chair pose
  • Forward fold
  • Half way up
  • Vinyasa - Down + Chaturanga
  • Vinyasa - Updog
  • Vinyasa - Downdog
  • Leg up
  • Step up
  • Warrior 1
  • Vinyasa - Down + Chaturanga & Updog & Downdog
  • Leg up
  • Step up
  • Warrior 1
  • Vinyasa - Down + Chaturanga & Updog & Downdog
  • 5 breath
  • Toes up
  • Jump to the front
  • Half way up
  • Fold
  • Chair
  • All the way up, prayer hands to heart center

Open Chain - human and the space

Close Chain - human and the ground

People want a different result by doing the same thing - Eliensten

Eight Limbs of Yoga

  • Yama: Ashimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha
  • Niyama: Saucha, Santosa, Taoas, Svadhyaya, Isuara, Pranidhana
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharana
  • Dhyyana
  • Samadhi

Warrior 2 - Connect to the ground 
Heel to heel
Front leg - externally rotate the leg, knee track to the front toe, knee over ankle
Back leg - Internally rotate the leg, hold the ground, push the seam to the group
Tug tail bone

Internal Poses -
Warrior 1
Crescent lunge/Crescent moon
Crescent twist/Crescent moon twist
Warrior 1 Twist
Pyramid Pose 
Warrior 3

External poses - 
Warrior 2
Extended side angle
Reverse warrior 

Sukhasana - legs cross position (double pigeon)
Sit on a blanket or block
knee level with hip bone
hands holding the blocks 
should down, lift the block up and then lower, 5 sets
drop the block, lower all the way.

Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon)

Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) - sit down on the heels and lay down


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