
Showing posts from January, 2024

Why did I start the blog and where I am heading to?

The reason why I started the blog is because I wanted to record my journey that is approaching to the emptiness.  I want to know record the path that I am taking to find my definition of success, my definition of happiness.  I originally had communicated to work that I would leave in March after the audit. However, my daily life has become unbearable. I have hard time going to the office, I have hard time work in the office. I walked on the Venice beach for 5 to 10 minutes today and have decided that I have enough. I want to take the responsibility back. I want to allocate the time the way that I want it to be. I cannot let my fear of losing financial security to hold me back from growing.  I am going to communicate this to my job tomorrow and we will see what will come out. Am I ok to work from home for the rest of the period. I think I can try... However, this current way that I am handling the situation is unbearable. I am ready to talk.

Model-Designer is now my new identity

I had my first modeling experience with Tara and it was amazing. Before the shoot, I was nervous, I had a lot of uncertainties. I wonder if I am good, my clothes are good, the location is good, Tara is good.  It turned out really good I think. Tara is really professional and calming - She twisted her body and head for a good picture of mine, she also captured the details of the clothes in a way that I was not expecting.  I had a great experience with Tara, she captured the good side of me. ---- Tara lets me decide how much to pay her. I offered a low price at first and then I increased the price after being through the work with her. We spoke after the shoot and she said that it did not matter how much it was, she thought that I was a good artist and she wanted to collaborate with me.  I really appreciated her work and that she acknowledged me as an artist. 

Yoga Teacher Training - Week 2

 Class #5 (1/12/2024) - non heated Hip opener (Happy babies) ABS (Building the energy) Sun Salutation A Warrior 2 (Flow) Chair + Twist + Warrior 3 (Peak) Side plank + twist (cool down) Cool Down (pigeon + side hips) Class #6 (1/13/2024) - non heated Saturday class in Power Yoga East, Dan will demo for the whole class. When Dan is demoing for the whole class, he is intuitive in making moves that feel good and innovative. (e.g. eagle arms forward fold). Compared to the class at Shef where there is no room for him to demo, he is in tune with the students and gives instructions for poses that are commonly known so it is easier for students to perform the poses. ------- When discussing the sequencing of poses, Dan mentioned that they all come intuitively. I believe these classes show what he means intuitively. I believe my job as a yoga teacher in a classroom setting, the priority is to know some standard sequence (e.g. Sun Salutation A, B, C, etc.) and practice how to deliver instructi...

Yoga Teacher Training Class - Week 1 Day - Yoga class #3 & 4

Class #3 - 1/9/24 - 6.:15 @ Shefa Getting early for a class was not easy. I am glad that I was able to make it to the class on time and enjoy the class. As I was not fully awake yet, I had a hard time following the class. I just want to survive the class. Class #4 - 1/10/24 - 6:15 @ Shefa It is another packed class today! It is packed everywhere with Dan. Luckily I got there a little earlier than yesterday so I was able to find a spot. It is really stressful to see people coming in and not able to find a spot.  This is my 5th class with Dan and I think I found what makes his class special. In Dan's class, there are 4 sections - warm-up, peak, cool-down, and stretching In Other's class, there mostly are 3 sections - warm-up, peak, and cool-down (which is the stretching).  Hip Opener is usually a stretch toward the end in other classes, it is the warm-up in Dan's class.  Sun Salutation is usually a warm-up in other classes, it is a cool-down in Dan's class. Doing a Sun Sa...

Yoga Instructor Training Class - Week 1 Day #3

In today's class, we worked on adjustments for Savasana and our voices. The adjustment feels a little of massage and it is a great way to connect with the people. Our voice - interesting that we dont need to use a different voice. In yoga, voice is vibration, not projection. In sharing a yoga practice, it is important to vibrate with the practitioners rather than project to them. I have never thought of delivering yoga in that way, and it is liberating. Yoga class #2 - 1-hour yoga class - spent less time on warming up. started at the child pose and did multiple sun salutation to warm up We did chair pose + prayer twist + spiting legs were killing it (peak), and my quads were dying. Dan made a comment - do you have enough - I thought that was the cue that we were cooling down but it wasn't. We did some pigeons to cool down for a bit. Then we did some core work left-hand right-leg + right-hand left-leg crunches and boat pose to have a 2nd peak. Then we had a true cool down.

Yoga Instructor Training Class - Week 1 Day #2

The yoga training today introduced us to the Sanskrit of the sun salutation sequence. Tadasana - Mountain Pose Urdhva Hastasana - hands up Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Ardha Uttanasana (flat back) Chaturanga (Lowing) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) ?? (Step to the front, go all the way up)  Anjali mudra (prayer hands) Sama Stiti (Stand and balance) It struck me when Dan said that Sanskrit is coming from the ascent and speaking the language is like vibrating with the past. This is really amazing what he said as it allows me to have a deeper view of these words. I appreciate them more and want to know more about them. We were also doing some hands-on adjustments. The down dog adjustment was really amazing. I will definitely do it in my teaching. We also need to write some notes about our yoga class today. 1. Breath work was cool 2. I felt the energy of the class slowly go up, to the peak and come back down. 3....

Yoga Instructor Training Class - Adventure Started Today

    Today I had my first training class.     The teacher Dan spent 45 minutes telling us stories of how he got to his spot. Dan was a great yoga instructor and I loved him. It was interesting to me that I was expecting a story of someone getting enlightenment but real life is often not that dramatic. The truth is everyone is down to earth and you can be a good yoga instructor by practicing yoga a lot, by teaching yoga a lot. It gives me HOPE. I can one day share my practice with others, I do not need to be someone different than who I am.     There are 6 other students -           Rene - who was inspired to practice yoga after meditation;          Michelle - who is athletic          Ilana - therapist (emotional and physical)          Amanda - surfer          Alex - Ex-dancer + Philosopher          Skylar ...


Sunflower faces the sun during the day. Looking at Sunflower reminds me to look no more, I am the sun of my life. To everyone else - Look no more. You are the sun of your life.  . . . I picked up this project in September 2023 and finally finished it in December 2023. I took multiple attempts to make it the way that I wanted it to be.  On to the next one.